Join us on our mission for a greener Europe!
Over the past year, we've hosted eight international events with partners across Europe. At each event, groups of 20 young people have actively participated in workshops and activities centered around the European Green Deal.
Our partners have come together to create a Declaration of Honour, reflecting our shared vision and commitment to promoting sustainable practices, environmental policies and youth involvement in policy-making. Let's use this Declaration as a roadmap for meaningful change towards a greener Europe!
We believe that:
After the European Year of Youth 2022, European Union and European towns must put
young people at the center of the European Green Deal and climate policies. Younger
generations represent the present and future of Europe. European towns should provide better opportunities for youth participation.
Climate actions should include youth policies and involve young politicians, and address generational inequality.It is very important to increase youth involvement in climate actions for green transition.
European towns should adopt international legislation at the local level as Paris Agreement, 2030 Agenda, New European Bauhaus, etc.
We believe that:
European towns should contribute to raise awareness and improve knowledge and education about environment and climatic issues to other youngsters and youth organizations, and its relation to all human activities.
European towns should promote and generate synergies and networks for collaboration
and reach greater results sharing efforts. Municipalities, youth organizations, Universities,
Schools, youngsters in general, should work together to increase their impact and results.